Tuesday, November 16


When I was a little girl, I love to go to my hometown in Besut, Terengganu. Specifically at Kampung Padang Tapong.

It’s a one-floor house. Lower floor was made from cement and upper floor was made from wood.

In Besut, there are always have big flood every year. So, when the water level in the river were rising, the lower floor will be our ‘pool’. We kept swimming in the ‘pool’ until the flood were over.

Everything change after my grandpa and grandma died. The house was bought by my grandpa and now it’s belong to my uncle.

The problem is my grandpa bought it without ‘geran tanah’ and someone who sell it to my grandpa was passed away years ago. My auntie, who live next door to the house, wanted to combine the house with her pink little house. My uncle did not want to take the deal. I don’t know why.

After that, we never went back to the house. I keep thinking, what will happen to the house.

Will the house fall to the ground without anyone taking care of it? I really love that house. That is why I have this crazy idea in my mind.

I have thinking about a reality show that really kept the ‘raya’ memories to the house.

The concept are simple. All they have to do was clean the house like they always do in ‘Hari Raya’ at their own village. Not only that, they also can create ‘pelita buluh’, ‘dodol’, or even can create their own ‘marhaban’ group if they want to. I don’t want this show to be a competition because it is about giving, taking and charity.

I got the ‘marhaban’ idea from a column called ‘Borak Pak Nil’ a few months ago. He really wanted to join the ‘marhaban’ group. How he himself join the community walking from house to house and recite ‘takbir’. 

Well, I don’t think this idea was great because of the problem that I told you above. And, who want to leave their village to go to this show?

Someone who don’t have their own village.

Or their village were actually a big city.

That just an idea to help the house stay still for a very long time.

I don’t have the photo of the house right now. But once I got it, I will put it in my blog.


‘Tangan Yang memberi Lebih Baik Dari Tangan Yang Menerima’.


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