Thursday, November 11

My Adventure for an album.




I don’t really care what they want to label those album. All I know that I want them. What is happening to me?

Again, What is happening to me?

Everyone waiting their favorite star’s latest album in store but me? Searching my favorite singer’s cd album from the debut, repackage and now, his new album (2009 release) is in my hand.

You don’t know how determine I was while searching this album.

This adventure begin after I emailed someone that told me that he had the CD. But, no respond from him after I give him my address.

So, I went outing. I went to PKNS in Shah Alam. There are about two CD store there. No luck on me that time, they don’t have the album.

Next trip, SACC Mall, also in Shah Alam. They only have one CD store. His album was sold out years ago.

Then, I went to Plaza Alam Sentral. I just got into one CD store there. Sold out.

Next destination, Time Square. It have three video store there. Two sold out, one selling Chinese and International material only. (-_-lll

Then, Mid Valley Megamall. I just searched at one video store. Same as others, sold out.

Finally, my adventure end at KLCC. Two video store had been ripped apart (sort of). One, sold out.

My last store that I searched the album was at Rock Corner. At first I don’t want to go there because of the name, ‘Rock Corner’. Do they really selling rock album only or not? Never mind, just give it a shot.

A very sportingly nice salesgirl asked me. I just told her what I want and ZAPP! She took me to the back and help me find the album that I wanted. And… I GOT IT!

I really wanted to scream at that time. But I keep it to my friend’s ears.

After I bought it, I felt a big relief with a hole was created inside me. What am I going to find after this?

I bet you really curious about the album that really make me going places. Ok, let the cat out of the bag now!



Yes, Imran Ajmain’s second album, Punca dan Tindakan.

Now, next time I want to buy something hard to get, I choose KLCC. If they are not there, well, the next adventure will began…







But for now, MAKING MONEY!!!


1 comment:

Gumbira said...


I will send you my first album "Dengan Secara Kebetulan".

Write to me at /

Imran Ajmain